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  • About RemoteBase Approved Coliving ✅

About RemoteBase Approved Coliving ✅

Everything you need to know about RemoteBase Approved Coliving

Hey—it’s Chris 👋 

We launched RemoteBase Approved Coliving in Jan 2025 in response to readers wanting to see more curated coliving spaces!

📊 RemoteBase Reader Poll: “What do you want to see more of in 2025?”

But knowing if a coliving space will be any good… Like -actually- good. can be difficult.

They all claim to have an amazing community, great facilities, the best events, etc…

But the reality is, lots of these claims are hard to verify.

That’s why so many of us book coliving spaces based on personal recommendations…

Someone we personally know (or see online) tells a good story about a coliving space, and we make our decision based on that. 

Think of RemoteBase Approved Coliving ✅ as your personal-coliving-recommendation-machine!

⚙️ Here’s how it works…

  1. Coliving spaces submit details of their space.

  2. We review, assess and decide.

  3. If we’re happy to recommend them to you - they’re added as a RemoteBase Approved Coliving.

If a coliving space isn’t approved, we share our recommendations and feedback with them, in the hope of making their space better for everyone in the community.

If approved, coliving spaces pay an annual fee to be included

Taking a 1-time payment from the coliving operators has a major benefit for you as a RemoteBase reader:

You can remain 100% certain we aren’t just promoting the coliving spaces with the highest booking commissions.

Ready to see the RemoteBase Approved Coliving Spaces?

Coliving Owner or Operator?

Got Questions?

I’ll personally answer any questions you have, just shoot an email to me directly ([email protected]) with ‘RemoteBase Approved’ in the subject line 🙂 

I’ll get back to you as soon as humanly possible (usually within 48 hours).

Stay Classy. Stay Adventurous ✌️🧡 

Chris “The Nomad Accommodation Guy” Cerra
